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I am ridiculously excited to have "Rosie Bakes It" featured in each issue of the new "Glossop Gazette" newspaper. They will be publishing a couple of my tried and tested recipes for you to try at home along with my top baking tips.

Thank you so much to editor Daniel for giving me this fantastic opportunity, it is certainly encouraging me to bake more and more and I hope that you will to!

The Glossop Gazette was published for the first time last month after the Glossop Chronicle halted production, along with sister title the Tameside Reporter. Now a group of local people with no background in newspapers or journalism have set up the Gazette, which was published for the first time in October after just two weeks to put it together. The new title had an initial print run of 5,000 and is being sold at local newsagents for 90p, with editor Daniel Bennett saying the response to it has been “amazing”. The new title will only include news from the specific local area immediately around Glossop.

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