Steamed Treacle Sponge

Steamed Treacle Sponge PuddingNow, who said that the steamed pudding needs re-inventing, I like it just the way it is! Here's a good old fashioned "proper" English pudding that's great when you don't have much time, or when you don't have anything in the way of exciting ingredients in the cupboard. It's one of the few puddings that is loved by everyone from young to old, not to mention the added bonus of only taking 10 minutes and a couple of quid to make. You really can't go wrong with this all-in-one recipe, just make sure that your butter is at room temperature before you start so that it's nice and soft. RHN2ZG2Z6CGJ

Steamed Treacle Sponge PuddingIngredients

For the sponge
110g unsalted butter, softened
55g soft dark brown sugar (or muscavado)
2 large eggs
grated rind of 2 lemons
225g self-raising flour, sifted
½tsp ground ginger
approx 85ml milk, warmed
2tbsp treacle
2tbsp golden syrup

To serve (optional)
1tbsp treacle
2tbsp golden syrup

For the custard
2tbsp custard powder
2tbsp soft dark brown sugar
½tsp vanilla essence (or 1 vanilla pod)
1 pint milk

Cream together the butter and sugar until pale. Add the eggs, lemon zest, flour and ginger. Mix well. Stir in the milk little by little until the mixture is of a dropping consistency. If it needs more milk just add a drop at a time.

Butter the sides of a 15cm/6inch pudding basin, ceramic or plastic is fine. Warm the treacle and golden syrup up a little (15seconds in the microwave will do) then pour into the bottom of the basin. Spoon in the sponge mixture on top. Cover completely with plastic clingfilm, then cook in the microwave for 5 minutes on full power. Tip it out upsidedown onto your serving plate almost immediately. If you like more sauce, then just warm up some more treacle and golden syrup and drizzle it over the top.

Now you can serve this with ordinary instant custard, but I like to spruce up good old fashioned custard powder by using soft dark brown sugar instead of granulated, and by adding some vanilla essence or vanilla pod seeds. Just follow the usual instructions on the tin and make these substitutions for extra yummy custard. An even more posh alternative would be to make a butterscotch sauce.

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