Maple and Pecan Cake

Maple and Pecan Cake
The maple syrup in this cake makes it so rich and moist (not to mention full of calories but we'll forget about that bit). It is an indulgent cake fit for a special occasion with it's maple flavoured icing and simple yet elegant decoration of pecans on top.


For the sponge
80g unslated butter
260g caster sugar
240g plain flour
1 tbsp baking powder
pinch of salt
225ml whole milk
40ml maple syprup
2 large eggs
100g pecans, chopped

For the icing
120g unsalted butter
350g icing sugar
2 tbsp milk
1 tbsp maple syrup
pecan halves to decorate

Preheat the oven to 170C. Grease and lin two 20cm loose-bottomed sandwich tins with greaseproof paper.

Using a mixer or your hands, mix together the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder & salt until it resembles fine bread crumbs.

Mix together the milk, maple syrup and eggs in a separate jug, then gradually stir it into the dry ingredients. Finally add in the chopped pecans.

Divide the batter between the two cake tins then bake for 25-30minutes or until it is golden on top and bounces back when you touch it. Leave them in the tins to cool a little before transferring onto a wire rack.

Meanwhile, to make the icing, mix together the butter and icing sugar until it reaches a sandy texture. Now if you would like your entire kitchen to be coated in a layer of icing sugar dust, use an electric whisk. If however like me you don't, start it off with your hands then when it's less powdery use an electric whisk. I know it's messy but go on, get your hands in there!

Stir in the milk and maple syrup, then get your mixer out and whisk it for as long as you can be bothered for. The longer you whip it, the fluffier it gets.

Finally, to ice your cake, spread a good amount of icing over the first layer of cake, squish the top layer on then cover the top and sides with the rest of the icing. Finish by decorating with pecan halves.

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