Peppermint Tea Cupcakes

Peppermint Tea Mini Cupcakes
This is probably my husbands favourite thing that I have baked...ever. He was just disappointed that they only came as bitesize morsels and not gigantic ones. But for quaintness and prettyness I think they work better in the minature form. It's amazing how pepperminty these are despite having absolutely no artificial peppermint flavour in them. They are surprisingly fragrant and have a subtle light green colour to them. I made these for a tea party and I am quite proud to share with you the recipe. What's great about this recipe is you can use any flavour tea you like. Why not try lemon & ginger or raspberry leaf tea?

Makes about 20-24 mini cupcakes

For the sponge
3 peppermint tea bags
3 tbsp hot boiled water
40g unsalted butter at room temperature
140g caster sugar
120g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
100ml whole milk
1 large egg

For the Icing
2 tbsp whole milk
250g icing sugar
80g unsalted butter

24 hole mini cupcake tin and cases

Place the teabags in a small mug or bowl and brew in the water for about half an hour.

Preheat the oven to 180degreesC and line your tin with cases.

Rub together (or use a mixer) the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder & salt until it resembles find breadcrumbs.

Mix the milk & eggs in a jug. Squeeze the peppermint tea bags to get as much as the flavour out as possible into the water, then add 2 tablespoons of it to the milk. Gradually add the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until smooth. Save the used tea bags for the icing.

Spoon equal amounts into all of the cases until they are no more than 2 thirds full else they will overflow. I find an ice cream scoop works well here.

Bake for 10-15 minutes or until they are golden on top and a skewer comes out clean. As they are small keep an eye on them as they can easily become overdone. Remove the cupcakes from the oven and place on a wire cooling rack.

Whilst they are cooling, make your icing. Put the used peppermint tea bags in a small cup or bowl with the milk to infuse. Again, press them until all of the flavour comes out.

Using an electric whisk or as I prefer, my hands, mix together your butter and icing sugar until no large lumps remain. It should still be powdery. Add the tea-infused milk, then whisk to your hearts content. If it is too thick, add more milk, too wet, add more sugar.

Finally, pipe or spread it onto your cupcakes. I finished mine off with little flags but you could use a mint leaf.

I also made some rasberry leaf tea cupcakes. Before icing, I made a small hole in each cupcake and piped in some rasberry jam for a surprise filling! 


  1. I expected them to be greener ;-)

    1. You could add green food colouring, but I prefer them to have a natural look :)
